Thursday, April 6, 2023

The Storm is Coming


They are predicting storms again. Even with notice it is very hard to not feel the weight of the storm even in life. 

The storm is coming 

The peeks of the sun coming through the clouds warm me, the wind blowing feels like God washing all my worries/fears away. 

The birds sing songs yet do not worry about tomorrow.  

Listening makes me know there is song to sing to the Lord. 

I watch as the freshly bloomed tree branches sway with the wind. I see myself sometimes. Blooming but being beaten  by the enemy.

The clouds speak. The rumble of battle. I can’t see it but it’s happening. I can’t see God but He is here. 

The storm is coming. Jesus is coming to calm this storm inside me. 


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

My Top 4 Ways to Memorize Scripture

Lately, I have had scripture memorization on my mind as I have been doing my daily bible

reading and study time. I haven't made it a priority until one of my followers asked me if was

memorizing scripture anymore. I took it as a God whisper. The Spirit was telling me to pick it

back up and hide God's Word in my heart. I do believe we are even better equipped as Christians

when we hide the Word in our hearts. When I worked full-time outside the home these 4 tips

were truly how I kept the Word close to my heart. I even created bracelets for many years for this

reason. I know that remembering Truth is important. I know in my weakness I draw strength in

speaking and repeating God's Word back to myself. You can see what I am currently memorizing below 

How do you memorize scripture?

I have seen people put scripture into song form. This is a great way to have fun with memorizing

scripture, especially with our children. So today I am sharing how I do it. I would love to learn

something new from yours well. 

Please comment below with your suggestions!

+These are my Top 4 ways to memorize scripture

1. Write the verse down on paper and post it on my fridge or bathroom mirror

2. Read the verse several times during the day

3. Write the first letter of each word on my hand so I can see it and repeat it often

4. Listen to scripture on audio throughout the week 

Jesus Teaches Us How to Walk

Did you know we as Christians must learn to walk? 

Jesus asked his disciples to come and follow me. (Matt 4) Paul exhorts the saints in his letters to Colossians and Ephesians on how they should be walking if we are in Christ. So as I thought about how I should be walking I realized I wasn’t very good when I began my new life in Christ. I stumbled and I fell a lot. I was trying to follow Jesus but I wasn’t always following his guidance on walking in Christ. I wanted to follow but in my own strength and in my own way just like a young child might do. We want to walk alone yet we still need our parents guidance. Does that make sense? 

As a chid of God, He teaches us how to walk. Just like teaching and guiding our children if we will listen and learn from Him we can learn to walk trusting that He will be with us to catch us when we fall but always guiding our path. 

The Spirit guides us into all Truth. (John:16:13) He calls us to be imitators and to learn His ways. As we grow in spiritual maturity we will learn how to walk as Christ walks. 

Walk worthy. 

Walk in love

Walk as a child of Light. 

Walk wise. 

All these walks are walking hand in hand with the Spirit to help us. We don’t walk alone today but in Christ. 

*scripture verse journal from  Well Watered Women  

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Walking in Christ


"Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life full of love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.” 

Ephesians 5:1-2 NLT

When I read this verse, my first thought is how much I have failed at keeping this command. God has seen me yell at my kids for dropping and breaking a glass jar in the kitchen. The anger I had toward my husband for not cleaning the living room after the baby had taken powder and hid underneath one of the end tables to have a powder party with their sibling. Now you can see what my heart looked at this particular day. My emotions were not in check during those moments. Through my child's eyes, the Lord has taught me that I mess up too. I have created messes in my life that have affected those around me. I have been unloving and withholding mercy. All of which are not qualities of my Savior. The good news is that Christ gives us grace. Grace to see my sin. Grace to see others as more important than myself and to give mercy instead of anger to my loved ones. 

Christ is our example in that we bear His image. He loved us so much that He gave his life for us to have eternal life. Dying for you and me to pay the debt we could never pay. We are saved through the blood of Jesus Christ. As his beloved children, He calls us to behave like Him, to love Him, and to love others as He loves us. These are the marks of a faithful Christian. 

Am I behaving like Christ? This question still makes me take pause and reevaluate even now. Today many years removed from the example I just told you about my life is still full of children and learning to walk as a Christ follower. Learning to walk is a process as we know this from watching our children take their first steps. Walking doesn't happen fast and there is a lot of falling and getting back up again. This is exactly how the Lord teaches us. We learn to love and delight in Him as children and then start crawling into a desire for growth. This walk gets stronger and before we know it we are surrendering and seeking God in everything. Our lives should be a sacrifice in worship to the Lord. Sacrificing my comforts to please HIm. Sharing in His love by extending love and grace to my family and neighbors. Delighting in the things of God and not the world. 

Lord, I want to walk in your image. I want others to see You in me more than this corrupt world. I want to lay down my selfish desires and pick up yours. Lead me by the Spirit to hear your voice. Lead me to walk in obedience every day with you Lord. Praise and love to my Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.